Tuesday, December 16, 2008


With globalization, universities have to rethink their function as mere producers of ready made entrepreneurs. They cannot just market led and profit driven. Globalization has created a negative situation where universities have to operate like business concerns. While it is true that universities have to change if they are to be efficient, they need to be more discerning in their approach. Hence universities have to look at how to adjust to globalization and yet preserve its mission and vision.

Universities have a social contract with society where knowledge is developed and disseminated for socio economic purposes. It should not be seen as being only a profit driven vehicle. In K-Economy, speed, innovation service customization and low costs are essential factors for success.

Many benefits to be gained through networking, one of which was making available codified knowledge and information wherever and whenever needed, hence making the universities operate with accountability and transparency.

I sees traditional career based tenure with pensions and clearly defined promotion structures giving way to contract work, project teams and self employment. Life long learning is now becoming a function of work in the K-Economy, connected to the workplace and focusing on all aspects of competence.

University has to ensure that its graduates will demonstrate competencies in generic skills such as skills in seeking relevant information to skilfully collaborate with others in effecting changes which are crucial for the job market.

As education becomes more commercialized, universities must not only address the industrial economic needs but should be responsible for spiritual and ethical construction.

'If everybody is doing business, who will care for the well being of society? It is the universities that have to continue this spiritual and ethical construction.'

Universities have to be the 'voice of conscience that will advocate empowerment to address the social agenda for human development'.


Timbalan Pengerusi
Biro Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Usahawan
Pergerakan Pemuda Umno Bahagian Setiawangsa
Wilayah Persekutuan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Saya mewakili penuntut ipta dan ipts di Malaysia ini, bersetuju dengan suara pengarang dalam peranan universiti-universiti melahirkan graduan-graduan yang cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang.