Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Often time, one of the first thing people do get into sales is to join direct selling, network marketing or MLM organization. And then fail miserably.

Now, this is not the fault of the direct selling company or the MLM company. Actually, joining an MLM company can be a very good move. Many of the MLM companies have great products and excellent training. Some of the world’s best sales trainings are conducted by MLM companies.

At the same time, we must realise that MLM is not the only game in town. While it is an excellent opportunity, it is just a business like any other. Despite claims that everyone makes money in MLM, the statistics reveal a different story.

In MLM, 5% makes money, 45% makes just enough to live on while the remaining 50% is there to make up numbers. These numbers are about the same for every other business.

More importantly, do it only if you believe in the company and products. Do it only if your heart is in it. If not, you’ll be joining the long, long list of people doing things just for money. Yes, you may make a little money but how long can you be happy? Not long, that’s for sure.


Timbalan Pengerusi
Biro Ekonomi Dan Pembangunan Usahawan
Pergerakan Pemuda Umno Bahagian Setiawangsa
Wilayah Persekutuan


Anonymous said...

Sekali tgk bagi,bagus sbb tgk strategi yg kwn2 promote mcm best je.Lgpun mmg salah satu cabang bisnes ialah MLM.Tp kekadang rasa musykil pun ada gak sbb kekadang untung tu mcm tggi sgt,jd takut la plak.Takut untung yg kita dpt tu drpd downline,bukan drpd hasil bisnes.Satu lg yg musykil ialah kebanyakan yg mempromote MLM nie menekankan untung yg dtg tanpa ditekankan secara jelas produk2 yg dijual.Pelik dibuatnya.Tp inilah benda yg berlaku dlm dunia MLM.

Anonymous said...

MLM ni bukan nye nak bagi orang kaya. kalau sapa nak kaya masuk laa skim cepat kaya. Tapi MLM sering dikaitkan dengan skim cepat kaya. Kenapa ? sebab potensi MLM ni mampu menjana keuntungan yang lumayan. Sebab tu orang dakwa MLM ni skim cepat kaya.